Dear Blog Readers,
My name is Elaini Kollias. I met Matt about 15 years ago and met Bree 7 years ago at the below mentioned Green Valley Ranch. I am Matt’s infamous “Las Vegas Friend” and I have lived here for 7 years. Since I’m currently retired from Volleyball, I have been entertaining and entertained by Bree & Matt. They asked me to write a special guest post about some experiences we have had recently. Here you go, and be sure to enjoy the video at the end for a visual of all the events.
I was looking forward to a day at home after a long eventful weekend….George Wallace (best 10pm show should not be his tagline), Downtown Vegas, etc. When Matt and Bree asked me to join them for the Super Bowl, I planned to rest at home instead.
Then Bree sent me a picture message of the milkshake options at BLT Burger and the power of suggestion is all I needed. And so my 24 hours begins…
Hour 1 – Watching Christina Aguilera mess up the National Anthem at the Mirage Sportsbook. Bree confirmed on twitter she said “twilights are reaming” and the consensus is she looks like Cindy Lauper.
Hour 2 – Walking to Paris Casino to split a burger. I learned that people can move around you because of how good they are in Algebra (Bree taught me that) Matt on the other hand has some issues with successfully splitting a burger in thirds.
Hour 3 – Heading through MGM and stopping to watch the half time show at a side bar. Oh I’ll get a quick drink I thought. $10.80. Really????
Hour 4 – After losing Matt at the Lion exhibit, we played roulette at MGM. Not so successful trying to play with my “Lost” numbers.
Hour 5 – Brilliant idea Matt, we’ll stop by every bar, put in 20 dollars, get a free drink, cash out and go on to the next bar. This is why we are friends.
Hour 6 – It is better to ask for forgiveness then ask for permission. Sitting at the first bar I wanted to make sure I could play, get a free drink, and then not have to stay for a certain amount of time. Apparently this angered the bartender… Mission accomplished still, but it was a little less exciting when you learn the drink was only 3.50.
Hour 7 – Off to a more expensive bar for more bang for our gambling. The Cosmopolitan! 2 people were sitting on Bree’s right. I couldn’t hear their conversation but I see them both look at me so I wave and smile really big. Turns out Bree pointed me out and told them proudly that I was a make out whore. Either way I would have waved =)
Hour 8 – At the Bond in The Cosmopolitan. Ordering beverages simply for the fact of what garnish they come with. We highly preferred the gummi bear sticks. We are now getting the itch to dance. I suggest ‘Blow the Whistle’ and Bree suggests Rihanna to the DJ. We saw some mob look-alikes drop a vile of cocaine on the floor. Oops, dropped my cocaine again.
Hour 9 – Dancing our way to The Bellagio. Watched the fountain show. Never gets old. Played a 10 second game of Casino War. Took pictures with the Year of the Rabbit decorations. Watched someone else play a 30 second game of Casino War. Playing video blackjack. Bree stayed on an 8 and I hit on 20. Maybe this isn’t a good idea anymore.
Hour 10 – Tried to get into every dance club that we could. No luck because I have on athletic Shoes. =( “But they are really expensive athletic shoes”… didn’t work either.
Hour 11 – Matt’s playing Poker and Bree and I have success in getting into Caramel. YAY! we get to dance. First things first… need to suggest ‘Blow the Whistle’ to the DJ and take over the VIP table.
Hour 12 – Still dancing… What is Bree doing in the air?
Hour 13 – 19 Deep sleep
Hour 20 – Zappos tour! Wow, its only a couple blocks from my house? We all really hope we get a free sample of shoes at the end of our tour. Got some soup and a book instead. Totally worth it.
Hour 21 – Pictures in front of the Las Vegas sign. Photo shoot with teenagers in a rock band in the background. Odd.
Hour 22 – Pawn stars. Hmmm. Very narrow. None of the people from TV. Don’t recognize any of the merchandise. Bummer.
Hour 23 – Capriottis! I heard Matt and Bree say a good 20 times this (the Capastami) is the best sandwich ever. Got our free entries to win our car for the raffle in 10 minutes. While eating our “best sandwich ever” we decided I would take the equinox, Bree would take the cash and Matt will give us 1 ride only in his new car.
Hour 24 – Home again. Tomorrow is reality TV day with Bree. Todlers and Tiaras, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills lost footage, Jersey Shore… Being unemployed does not get any better.
I heart Bree and Matt.
good times!
Elaini Scorcese.
Now that I’ve seen what is possible, I will never again be able to endure another of those half-assed travelogues writ by the Schultz camp. Thanks for ruining the rest of their trip blog, Elaini…
Or maybe you could go with them. As the documentarianette.
I smell Oscar.
No, really. He’s at the door with my lunch. Gots to go dig through my penny drawer for a tip…