Hello Tally Ho Readers!! And a “Hello” to May also!
Before we get too excited about May though, I want to share with you the photo highlights from April. April was an amazing month for us. We got Dolly back (good as new), we celebrated our first wedding anniversary (YAY!!), and we had our fair share of April Showers!
But, before you watch the AMAAAAZING video that I have created, I want to share with you an exciting factoid! It was almost EXACTLY 6 months ago that OTH began! Around November 6th we officially moved into Dolly, and began creating our home in her. We have not covered much of the US yet, but we are seriously ROCKING this lifestyle (if I do say so myself)!! So, let’s all take a moment and really appreciate how awesome it is that time marches on and we get to see, live, experience, taste and feel all that life has to offer.
(bowed head moment of silence…)
GREAT!! Now, let’s get back to this awesome thing we call life and this awesome video that I put together for your viewing enjoyment! Here you go!
Tally Ho’er and Lover of New Experiences!
VERY cool video!! Nina
Thanks Nina! I think the video posts are my favorite, I do one at the end of every month. Watch for May’s coming soon. (Man this month flew by!)