So yesterday marked the completion of the 5 month mark of Operation Tally Ho and Bree and I really wanted to do something to celebrate/commemorate the occasion. After having a celebratory margarita (or 2) at lunch yesterday we decided what better way to mark this glorious moment in time than to give ourselves a memory we’d never forget! Ding ding ding. Correctamundo. Tattoos!!!
Most of you know I’m somewhat of a reality show junkie. Well, all of those episodes of Miami and LA Ink were not wasted on me. Ever since watching those 2 shows religiously I started to get the bug of getting some “ink” (that’s what we hard core tat people call it) and this seemed like the perfect storm of events to break the ice.
Bree is no body art virgin as she had already taken the plunge back in her “youth” getting a butterfly inked on her hip. So this would be old hat for her. Yeah right. She screamed like a child. I could walk you through our entire day but it wouldn’t do it justice so here’s our day in pictures (and video). Enjoy. (I don’t know if the videos show up if you get this post in emails (not sure) so might be best to click direct to the blog to read).
Massive thanks to Ronny (our tattoo artist) at Atomic Tattoo. You rock!!!
Hope you enjoyed spending the day with us at the tattoo shop! Until next time…
Tally ho…
So, is this an April’s Fool joke (and you really just got temporary tat’s)? Or, did you really do this? I didn’t see any final product – just the start. Since I know Matt is notorious for April’s Fool’s tomfoolery, I had to ask!!
Yeah right, we rented out an entire tattoo shop, hired tattooed actors to pose as shop employees and tattoo artist, bought authentic props, shaved our arm (mine), and back (Brees), made videos, took pictures, and conjured up an entire blog post just to try and pull one over on my mother as an April Fool’s day joke.
I think thats exactly what this is. I thought so before even clicking the link from facebook… I havent even watched the vids yet… but im sure there is no needle in there.
See i just think matt would describe in more literary detail the experience of being tattooed for the first time.
I call bogus.
Oh my friends u had me going there for a minute (okay a few hours!!!)….Then I thought about it UH HELLO!!! 20 second videos, hand strategically covering any ink connecting with skin, no close up of finished products and B in that last picture it still looks like the stencil….good one my friends good one!!!
I am calling April Fools as well! Yes I do think you would go to all that work just to pull a great April Fools!
Okay, did Tabby the tattooed lady have anything to do with this, because it just wouldn’t surprise me a bit, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that tattoo place pretty close to their house…!!!
Yep, it’s right down the street!!!
Love it all!!!!!
Thanks 7 hearts.
Awesome! Sorry we missed you guys in Austin. Would’ve been great to meetup! Cool tat! Nina
Thanks Nina! It would have been great to meet up with you both also. Maybe our paths will cross again someday. :)
I hope West TX is treating you guys well.
Tally Ho!
April fools?! Shit… we just got full-back RV tattoos to one-up you.