The drive through Utah SHOULD have been GREAT!
Around every turn was another breathtaking panorama. Utah laid everything she had out for us. The road less traveled, AKA Scenic Byway 12 may be the most gorgous and amazingly beautiful, picturesque 2 lane road ever created by the hand of man. It really should have been GREAT.
However. Our dogs, Henery particularly, wanted nothing more than to sit up front with me. He wanted to put his head over my lap and pant. Or smash his head against my shoulder and pant. Sound harmless? Well, with panting comes drooling. I get soaked! Not to mention HOURS with hot dog breath on me.
Because I despise this so much we had implemented some Cesar tools to claim the space (see #1 at the bottom of the linked page). But for some reason or another, today Henery decided “F that! I’m GOING TO BE UP FRONT IF IT KILLS ME!”. And it almost did kill him. Well, I almost did kill him. For hours I fought with and wrestled with this 100+ lb beast of a dog. I elbowed him back “NO!”. I pushed on him “NO! GET BACK!” I stood and created a physical barrier and when he would try to squish between my legs I would knee him and scream “NO!!”
In total distress I screamed at Matt “SWITCH!!” He, as the official driver, does not deal with keeping the troops in line, that is my job. Usually. And usually I can handle it. Not this drive. I wanted to drive and let him sort out how to keep the dogs back!
There I was, at the end of my rope. Hours of screaming had let to a sore throat and I had bruises on my arms and legs from trying to physically move a giant dog. I had reached my limit. Matt pulled over, I jumped out and slammed the door. The dog that I had loved for over 8 years I wanted to abandon on the side of the road.
Matt did the only thing he could think to do; he built a barrier. The dogs burst through it. He built another one, they broke through. Then another, not effective. Another couple hours later and our dogs had broken though, climbed over, maneuvered under and broken though boxes, tripods, chairs, ropes, and everything possible we could think to block them with. Nothing worked! We ran them up and down a hill at about 9k feet up hoping exhaustion would tire them so they would sleep.
Still they fought to be up front!
We pulled into a place to camp. I was a mess. It was very hard for me because I have never wanted to BEAT an animal senseless before. Truly, I wanted to punch my dog. This devastated me. What kind of horrible pet owner am I? And, what kind of horrible mother am I going to be? A horrible one! One with no patience who wants to beat up a dog. BAD MAMO!
Matt promised to come up with a solution. My only idea is to crate them while we drive. Matt wants a better idea… Any suggestions?
Frustrated BAD MAMO (pronounced Ma’am-oh)
HAHA!! I have so been there with my dogs…particularly Charlie…he’s over 100 lbs, like Hank, and honestly he thinks that he is a ghost or something, like he can just pass through any solid object, including me and my body. If he wants to be somewhere, like, on the couch, in the bed, or in my space, nothing will stop him. I have yelled, screamed, kneed, pulled out ninja and king fu blocking moves…nothing! He is like a bull dozer…he’s like a bull and I am the red sheet thingy…it’s like I am not even there. Chris definitley has WAYYYY more patience than I do…I am counting on his patience to help me with our kids. I feel your pain…bruises, sore throat, and the fleeting (or maybe it lingers) urge to drop kick your pooch in the head!!
So you know my pain!!! We MUST find a solution, and fast. Actually, we’re driving right now to get cargo netting. This will be about our twentieth attempt-WE WILL NOT SURRENDER THOUGH! :)
A baby gate seems like it would do the trick, or chloroform, either way.
I like your style! I’m leaning toward option number 2.
BTW, the baby gate isn’t tall enough. :(
Chloroform! Ha!! That is just wrong! Ha Ha!!!
It may be that the lack of space is just getting to them big time and they are developing doggie claustrophobia. Also, it could be the same as with kids, maybe they need to see the road to keep motion sickness at bay (were you on winding roads?). Matt as a kid always screamed bloody murder when I put him in his car seat in the back and when he got older we realized it was because he got car sick. I have a friend who is an animal communicator = I’ll ask her what she thinkgs.
Matt still screams when I try to strap him in a cart seat in the back-it’s weird. ;)
Really, we’ll take all the help we can get. Oh, and yes the roads were very winding.
Well…since I have seen the ability of Cali to plow through a wood fence, I don’t think barriers are going to work! =) You could try spraying them with a spray bottle with vinegar water in it (the dilution ratio is up to you) when they try to come up front and see if that works. I think beating them senseless is a fine option! I violently kick my animals every night when I get home to remind them how good they have it! =) But mostly, I think that Cali just misses her boyfriend and wants another visit! Miss you guys!
Super funny Tabby! :) We miss you guys too.
I’ll try the spray bottle w vinegar. Thanks for the idea!
x’s and o’s to your whole clan.
Donna might be on to something, motion sickness or restlessness could be the problem. Can you imagine how excited Henry was. There were miles and miles of beautiful scenery to run through. If he could speak, maybe he would say, “Mamo! Mamo! Remember when you told me about all the beautiful spaces we could run through on our trip. How there would be times to rest and relax (Vegas), but other times there would be beauty we could hike through for miles and miles (Utah). You were right! I love you so much! I love you so much! Just look at all that beauty!” (read this in your best Hank voice). Good luck! Hope the cargo net works. Tell the dogs AL misses them and can’t wait to see them, and not to worry, if they need a new home, I will come up with a way to talk Kitty into it. You are an amazing Mamo and will be an AMAING mom. xoxo
I know, he is just so excited! :) You do a good Hank thought process. :)
hi bri I think the dogs did have claustrophobia for sure on the winding road it must’ve made them very spooked .and they were afraid for their safety that is why they were trying to probably climb out the window . I say get sleeping pills from a vet and put them in a dog treats before a road trip on winding roads like that or anytime the dogs or matt get out of hand.love you guys .
Good thinking Beth! Useful for the dogs our Matt. :)
He just wants to see the beautiful Utah scenery!
Hi Diana! Can’t blame them, but it almost cost them their lives. ;)
Utah is SO pretty though, isn’t it?