This may be my last Vegas trip. It is so f’ing HOT here!
While walking back from the pool, attempting not to melt directly into the scorching black asphalt, I turned to Lindsey and proposed the following question: “I wonder if I am who I am because I have always been in a hospitable environment?” Not to say that the Vegas locals are not a kind and happy people, they are. I just find that I am not so kind or happy when the outside temp is over 100*, and inside the A/C is struggling like the little engine that could to keep us at about 90*.
Still, I am who I am thanks to the hospitable environments that I have lived in (namely Colorado and California), so I’m trying to focus on the positive. Here are the positives since we rolled back into Las Vegas:
1. Matt is having fun here. Really, this is the reason we are in Vegas. He loves the process of playing satellites to get into tourneys, playing in the tourneys, cash games at all levels and all times of day and night. He is in his element here in June. June offers him the World Series of Poker at the Rio, The Grand tourney at the Golden Nugget, The Deep Stacks at the Venetian, and any cash game he wants to play in. This is why we are here and he is really enjoying it. And when he’s happy, I’m happy.
2. We have friends here! Yay!! During our last stay here I became great friends with 2 locals: Joyce and Elaini. While Elaini has moved back to CA (no doubt for the better weather). I have had some great dates with Joyce. Also, our good friend Greg Kelley moved here a while ago. In his free time we have been able to hang out. AND MY BFF LINDSEY IS HERE VISITING FOR 10 DAYS!! She is a wonderful friend, but due to the heat, I think she is already counting down the days till she gets to land back in Denver to a nice 70-80 degree day. Still, June is sprinkled with visits from friends and family and friends make everything better (just don’t ask Lindsey to confirm that right now!).
3. Circus Circus RV park is not a giant meth lab. Contrary to all of the warnings that we heard, we rented a space here for the month of June. I am so glad we did. It is really centrally located RIGHT ON THE STRIP. And the travelers are really very nice. The majority of folks cycling through here are Euro’s, many of them German, Polish or Austrian. So Matt (who was fluent in German at one point in his life) taught me a phrase: “Gooten Morgen. Habenzee gut geh schlaffen?” (phonetic spelling of course, for correct spelling please use Google translator). It means “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” in German. I have said it to 3 people. All of them kind enough to give me a moment to get it together in my head then spit it out with my best possible accent. On one occasion, an older man -who reminded me he was “Austrian NOT Australian” several times- gestured to the setting sun and laughed at me. “I know” I said with a smile, “It’s all I know”. I spent a little time in Germany with my Dad.
(Hello and happy Father’s Day!) While I was there I learned a couple phrases, but I have long since forgotten them all. It’s nice to learn a little German again. Now we know who rents ALL the rental RVs in the USA.
4. There is entertainment here for both us and the dogs. The dog’s comes in the form of a dog “park”… well, it is sort of just a litter box. And while it’s not huge, the dogs can run. I can toss a ball for Hank and he can get out some energy chasing it and Cali can get out some energy chasing him. Also, there are some dog obstacles there. Henery LOVES running through the 6′ yellow tunnel and Matt trained Cali to jump up on one of the table things. They will both leap over the dog jumps. All in all it is a good exchange for the lack of actual walks in actual nature.
Our entertainment comes in all forms: food, people watching, shows, etc. But some of my favorites have been the mini circus shows here at Circus Circus. They do about one an hour from 11am till midnight. There are about a dozen performances that cycle through, some doing 2 or 3 shows a day. They are free and in my opinion FANTASTIC!
5. Pools!! I love wearing heels to a pool sometimes. There are not many places where this is acceptable. (In fact this may be the only place?) Even if I’m in flip-flops I still love spending a day at the pool. Recently, I have discovered I love spending a night at the pool too! Encore has a Dance and Dip where you dance around the pool, or you can swim instead of going to the club at night. I LOVE IT!!
Before I close I want to share a story with you. It is a funny story with a happy ending, and while it may seem random in this post I want to document the rollercoaster that was Thursday morning. I had no camera, so forgive me that it’s not documents in pictures. I’ll do my best with words…
We all woke up late and started to get ready for the day. Matt was hustling to get out the door to make it to his tourney. Linds and I in the mean time headed over to the park showers to get cleaned up and ready for the day. I had finished showering when it hit me that I should run back to the RV to make sure Matt didn’t lock us out, or to catch him before he left to make sure he didn’t. I was walking up to the RV and could see the scooter was already gone. “Crap!” I thought and ran to the door. Yep, locked. “Crap!” I said out loud! I walked back to break the bad news to Linds. We were locked out. No clothes (jammies and towels only), no money, no phones, no breakfast, no water… nothing. After we accepted our fate I began to look for a solution. We found a guy who was cleaning RV’s and asked to use his phone. Knowing Matt doesn’t usually answer numbers he doesn’t know I left a message the first call, then proceeded to bombard him with calls. He said when he saw the call the 3rd or 4th time it hit him. “Bree’s locked out and she’s calling on someones phone”. “Hello, you’re locked out aren’t you” he answered the phone. “Yes!” I said.
He went on to explain that he was in a tourney and would loose considerable money if he were to walk away, but he would get here as soon as he could. For about an hour and a half Linds and I sat in the shade, in our jammies, in 100* heat, starving, and getting more dehydrated by the minute. We decided to relocate to a shady spot that had a clear view of the RV when we passed by a wonderfully sweet, Southern woman. She had watched the entire episode unfold from her lawn chair –that she set up right in the middle of the blacktop in the 100*+ heat. We knew she must be from the South. Anyways, when we walked by her she asked “Y’all girls hungry?” “yes” we said with our heads down and as much energy as we could muster. She asked if we wanted some cheese and crackers and I jumped on it. She also gave me a couple dollars to get some water from the store. When I came back I saw Linds with the CAN of cheese and “toast”. Not quite the cheese and crackers we had in mind, but at that point we’d take anything!
During our “breakfast” with the sweet, Southern woman I spied Matt scoot by at the other end of the RV park. He was unable to find us, but at least we knew the RV was opened. We were so happy to get into the RV! We just stayed for hours, enjoying the air conditioning and basically afraid to leave. Though I was pretty upset, the events have quickly turned into a joke and Linds and I have some pretty funny stories from our time “on the outside”.
So next year when Matt comes out to play in the WSOP we have decided that I will be safely tucked away somewhere that has wonderful temperatures and wonderful family and/or friends. He will fly in and enjoy his stay and I will enjoy my time elsewhere.
While we are still here though… SHUFFLE UP AND DEAL!!
PS. We want to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads and all our friends and family who are Dads. Keep up the good work! :)
How great you and Lindsey get to spend so much time together (hot, hot weather aside)!! You have a standing invitation to come visit me every June while Matt plays poker (it’s lovely and cool here in Seattle – the locals are complaining it’s too cool but it sure beats 100+)! Maybe we can work a deal with Tabby and girls coming to visit Penny at the same time and then all of us can hang out and do fun girlie stuff! I am not a hot weather gal either which is why I love the Pacific Northwest (and I have the soggy shoulders and web feet to prove it (LOL)!!
Hi Mama D!
It has been really wonderful getting to spend all this time with Linds. I’ll be really sad to see her go. But it seems like we may head her way after we leave Vegas. :)
Thanks for the invite next June, I’ll remind Matt when we get closer.
Love you!
Ever think of getting one of those magnetic key hider things? Part of me thinks that it would come off on the first washboarded dirt road we take, but I also feel like there are some great hiding places outside an RV that no one would think to look in. (We have a compartment labeled “Sewer Hose”…)
Question about the pool: Is it technically for guests only, or is it open access? (Ayo’s been wanting to take me to Vegas for a while and an open pool would up the odds.)
First stop on Friday was to Home Depot! Sewer compartment is a great idea, but now you guys would know where to look… I guess we’ll just have to trust you. ;)
The pool at the Circus Circus RV Park is for the RV park guests only. BUT, you can go to almost any public pool at any of the hotels. You may just need to ask someone to walk in with them. For example, we’re not staying at the MGM, but their pool is my FAV (because they have a lazy river). So, I wait till someone is about to walk in and explain that I’m not staying at the hotel, but I want to go to the pool. There has never been a time that people aren’t willing to let me/us walk in with them.
Bottom line? Come to Vegas, it’s super fun for about 3 days and NOT IN THE HEAT OF THE SUMMER! :)
Quick note on the pool here. Though you need a code to enter to get in the gate there is always a stream of people going in and out. You could just grab the gate and be swimming in no time. :)
Man, are you a trooper! Being locked out must have been so frustrating at the time, but good for you to make the best of it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. (Though next time I would have just asked someone for food and drink without waiting – people are more hospitable than you think, but most lack the initiative to realize that other people need help.)
We miss you. Stay cool and win big! :-)
Hi Ayo!
We are working on WINNING BIG!! We miss you guys too. How’s it going talking Yair into coming out this way? ;)
Enjoying your Blog. Getting into the pool….Really who could refuse your smile….
Hi Vicki!! Thanks for reading along. Today is another day at the pool. :) I can’t wait…
Pumping myself up to brave the 75% weather here in San Diego today…..not to mention the fact that I am forced to go for a run on the Bay later when it may get as high as 77%, so I totally understand what you are going through with the extreme heat in Vegas….It’s just not fair :)
SHUT YOUR FACE!! I hope you get a minor sunburn on your jog today! ;)
I second one of those magnetic key thingies. We have one and it’s saved us more than once. I’m impressed you’re managing the heat out there…phew!
Hi Nina! Don’t be too impressed at my managing the heat –sometimes I’m like a whiny child who lays about moaning about how “haaaawwwwttttt it iiisss!” ;)
I read “Operentially Ho” xD