Rita Rudner, Ladies and Gentlemen (cue applause!)
Hello Readers!
I want to share with you a wonderful evening that I had with our good friend Joyce the other night.
Joyce (who is in “Media”) received an invitation for her and a guest to attend Rita Rudner’s opening night here at the Venetian. Knowing that Matt would be bellied up to a poker table she generously invited me. (Yay!)
We met at a burger place in Palazzo called I <3 Burgers*. They had sectioned off a part of the restaurant and were passing around Marga-Rita’s in different flavors (or simply shots of tequila for those that didn’t want to mess with the sweet and sour). They also passed a small sampling of their menu.
We dined on cheeseburger sliders, meatballs, shrimp brucetta, and the most delicious fried potato “chips” with truffle sauce. Joyce and I were starving and eagerly grabbed at any food item that dared to come within our reach. Finally we explained to the servers that we would really eat anything and they should just keep it coming.
There was a constant stream of nibblies coming our way and the company was wonderful. Joyce and I were laughing and having a good time when all of a sudden RITA RUDNER HERSELF WALKED IN!! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
It’s not that I’m a huge fan, in fact I had never seen her perform. I just get silly excited when a famous person is around. I can’t help it, I giggle and fumble for my camera. I want to seem cool and aloof, but it is just beyond my control. I once saw Carrot Top and was so flustered I couldn’t even speak! (CARROT TOP!! Sorry if any of you love Carrot Top. I do not.)
Okay, so Rita walks in with her hubby and daughter and begins doing the obligatory greetings. Then she starts making the rounds. I’m squirming in my seat and desperately making sure that Joyce knows EXACTLY how to use my camera. The unfazed media types around us start to notice my excitement; “how cute” they say about the girl who is about to pee herself because Rita Rudner MAY walk my way. W/E S/E!
Anyways, she does make it my way and blessed Joyce asks for a picture. She smiles and assumes the magnet-head pose. Cheese! Moment captured forever –thanks Joyce!
Rita is so ladylike and dignified. Even her comedy is lovely and graceful. She seems like the type of woman that would make a wonderful friend. I know she lives around here, I wonder if I could find her before she could get a restraining order against me. ;)
After the excitement of my Rita pic, Joyce and I take a quick review of the “I <3 Rita” tasting menu and noticed that we had not tried the mushroom slider. I had visions of a perfectly cooked burger covered with grilled mush and cheese… (Homer Simpson “mmmmmmm” with drool). We found the nearest server, grabbed whatever she had on her tray, and while we had her attention we explained our sadness that we had not tried this delicious dreamy mushroom burger. “I’ll see what I can do” she said. Joyce and I sipped our mini Marga-Rita and waited for the elusive Mushroom burger to make it to our table.
True to her word, about 10 mins later the smiling server made it to our table. She explained that she had to go the back way to avoid anyone taking our burgers. What a doll! We thanked her, she smiled and proudly set down in front of us… AGAST!! This is not a burger AT ALL!! This is a giant mushroom on a bun. Yuck! Well crap, now we HAD to eat at least some of it considering the hassle that we caused to get this monstrosity! So we dove in. I’m not going to lie, it was not great! Fortunately, moments later we informed that the walk to the theater was about 10-15 mins and the show started in 15. Awww man! I guess we’ll have to go and leave the “burger”. “We’ll take 2 milkshakes and 2 shots of tequilla for the road though, thank you”. After posing on the “red carpet” we were off.
Once we arrived at the theater we were seated in the 7th row in the middle –wonderful seats to enjoy a wonderful show.
Okay, earlier I explained that I was not a fan of Rita Rudner. After her show though I am a HUGE fan! I would insist that anyone coming to Vegas see this show. This woman is so funny! I mean REALLY FUNNY!
In the interest of full disclosure, (though not to cheapen her humor…or Matt’s) you should know that I’m a pretty easy audience. I realize this, so to get an accurate representation of how funny she really is I scanned the room a couple times. Yep, everyone was laughing. Everyone.
I had such a great evening and would highly recommend Rita’s show to anyone coming to Vegas!
*Sidenote: Matt and I went back to I <3 Burgers later that night for Matt to eat. It was not good. The food was “meh”, but the service was horrible! Matt ordered Coke he got Pepsi (it really matters to Matt), his burger was not “well done” as ordered, the fries were not only impossible to eat due to their teeny tiny size, but they weren’t good anyways. This was bad ordering since I knew that the fried “chip” thingys I had earlier are good.
Oh, and since I had already eaten I had time to eaves drop and people watch. So, in the couple behind me was a Vegetarian. First they ordered wine and the server did not know what wines they had!! Then the Veggie ordered a Mushroom burger and it came out EXACTLY how I had dreamed. Patty of beef smothered in mushrooms. Obviously though, this would not work for a Veggie, so she returned it. I watched as the cook just took the beef patty off and put a mushroom on. Uh, that’s not gonna fly dude! Nope, Customer got upset and the Mgr dragged herself away from flirting with the bartender to address the customer. She said sorry and comp’d the wine and the cook (angrily) rushed a Mushroom burger. Those of you that know me know that I am HUGE on customer service. (This is why I boycott the Yard House and Wendy’s among others). So even if the food had been delicious this place would have been black listed! It matters not though, since the food was meh.
To recap: Buy an RV, travel to Vegas and see Rita Rudner at the Venetian. Do not eat at I <3 Burgers.
Veggie burgers are NOT burgers. They may taste wonderful, but to me, “burger” does not describe shape. It describes cow. Yummy, yummy cow.
Sounds like a fun evening (despite the mushroom and poor service)! I’ve always wanted to see Rita live as I’ve enjoyed her comedy when I’ve seen her on TV (back when I had TV). How much fun to be up close and personal. I’m like you, not cool at all around celebrities! Did Matt ever tell you about the time he crashed the premier party of Sabrina and got to meet Harrison Ford?
Hi Mama Donna,
You would have loved the show! Yeah, Matt has told me of a few celeb parties that he crashed. I’m glad that was before me, I don’t have the guts to do anything like that. Of course, I am a YES GIRLS now so…
Where I am glad you got to magnet head it with a celeb?? Rita Rudner was never in my top ten of comedians, and I am old enough ( oh god I said that) to remember her in her hey day (ugh did I really say hey day?) Anyways super exciting stuff going on for you!!!
Watch it Sunshine! You are only a few years older than me. We have not even seen our hey days yet. But these days are really the bees knees! ;)