Winter Storm 2010 (San Diego style)
I love love love the rain. I love the sound of it. I love the smell of it. I cannot walk or run in the rain without a huge smile on my face. I love the effects of the rain too; in about 2 to 3 weeks the canyons and hills around SD will flourish into a beautiful, lush, green garden. Our dogs love the way the rain kicks up smells that intoxicate them. (Though as you can see below, Cali does not heart walking in the rain.)
So it is strange that I am having… feelings during this rain storm. I should state as a caveat that Matt and I both have colds (our little bubble got a little contaminated) and when I don’t feel great everything is a bigger problem then it really is. So…
As I was driving home last night I felt super crammed up in my car. Like there suddenly wasn’t enough space in the drivers seat. Also, though I have gained no weight, my clothes felt so tight and constricting. It was all I could do to not rip them off –which I did as soon as I walked through our door. Then I climbed into bed hoping that our little cuddly bed with my sexy cuddly husband would make it all better.
Nope. There wasn’t enough room in our bed for both of us. Our bed was like quicksand sucking me down. And the sheets felt like vines that had come alive and were wrapping around me to try to suffocate me! (Dramatic. I know.) I sat there feeling blue and glum with rain dripping down our bed window and for the first time in almost 2 months I thought to myself “this place is just too small!”
To get out of my tight little slump I decided to take the dogs out for a walk in the rain this morning. Neither of them was too thrilled to jump out the door, but protest as they may, she who holds the leash, holds the power. So away we walked. At the park I let them off the leash to run free –because who in their right mind is out walking with their dogs or kiddo’s in this torrential downpour!
Tonight Matt and I drove around to several of our friends houses to delivered the cookies that Jena and I baked yesterday. We were like little caroling elves. We sang “We wish you a Merry Christmas” in 2 part harmony and gave delicious decorated holiday baked goods then we went to dinner. As we were getting home all I could think about was how nice it was to be home and all I wanted was to climb into my quicksand bed and sink.
Here I am, and here I’ll stay. Good night little house. Good night rain. Good night moon.
Sounds like you got hit with a double whammy! Since you have a cold, it’s quite possible you were running a little low-grade fever and that’ll make you feel like not wanting to have anything too close or too tight. Also, you may have experienced a slight case of “cabin fever” because the rainy weather is limiting a bit your mobility. But, you did exactly the right thing in taking the pups for a walk. The cool air and rain probably helped with the fever (although tylenol is pretty good at that too) and a little exercise and space always helps with the cabin fever thing. Whenever I’m in a slump I try to do something nice for someone else and that’s just what you did with the cookie baking (you are such a good person!!). I want some cookies plus the Jena & Bree 2-part harmony!!! I’m taking a few days off over the holiday. My computer is too limited to play your video so I’ll have to wait until Mon when I return to work to watch it. If you like rain, you’d love Seattle (haha)!
I was just doing some Christmas baking today and wishing you were closer to join in the fun! Hope you and Huno feel better soon. Love you!
Also, you look great for being in the rainy weather and feeling under the weather!