Operation Tally Ho began as a small discussion in early 2010.
Matt and I were planning our wedding and living our “normal” lives when he stumbled upon a blog of a young guy who lived in his RV. He asked me one day if I thought that we should do that. “Sure!” I said super excited about an adventure. Now, I am not exactly a “written in stone” sort of gal. I freely give myself permission to change my mind, thoughts, feelings, and ideas on a whim and sometimes based on no logic or reasoning whatsoever. So when I said “sure” with all my gusto I really meant it… for that exact moment. Matt however is more of a “If I say I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it” sort of a human. So he suggested that we take a couple weeks and think about it. A couple weeks pass and we begin discussing it again. I still think it sounds like a really great idea, and Matt has thought out some of the details. He thinks we can do it too. And so the idea of Operation Tally Ho is born.
Several months later, we had visited RV showrooms, and done some online research about choosing an RV, and we were loosely looking for our RV. On the evening of Sunday August 29th, Matt and I were sitting in his truck outside the grocery store (it was a family dinner that night and we needed to stop and get something to bring) when Matt –who had been staring at his phone FOR EVER! looked at me and said “um, I think I just bought us an RV on Ebay.” SAY WHAT?!? How does that happen? Well, he said he’d had his eye on it for about a week and knew the auction was ending at a certain time so he waited til there was 1 min left in the auction and stuck in a last second bid not really thinking it would work or he’d get it and bing bang boom the auction ended and his bid was the winner. Ebay sent the message “You won this item on eBay: 2003 WINNEBAGO MINNIE MOTORHOME”. With that, we had bought our very first home.
We knew nothing (nothing!) about RVs. To make matters even a bit more unsure the guy/company that was selling bank owned repo’d RVs was very clear that he had no prior knowledge of the unit and made no representations about their quality or integrity, he just posted as many pictures as he could take, described what he could see, and sold it “AS IS”. So basically the purchase was a giant crap-shoot but it just looked like the perfect RV for us. Matt, being the gambler that he is, rolled the dice.
We flew out to Dallas to get her and on September 9, 2010 we began our blog. Looking back I can see the birth of many things. We began living a dream. We may not have known that this lifestyle would be a dream for us, but it truly has been. This was also clearly the birth of Matt’s fascination with weather. And who could blame him. We began this journey with a tornado warning (and the weather has not let up since, see here or here!). This was the birth of our family. And the beginning of our marriage.
We have come such a long way since the Fall of 2010. We have seen so much beauty. We have been a part of so many beautiful moments with family and friends all over the country. We are plus one beautiful and happy baby. We have solved the great dog dilemma of 2011. We now know our home inside and out. Our dogs have their favorite spots. We’ve had a few incidences that required fixing. We’ve fallen in love with several cities and states. And we are looking forward to seeing parts of our great country that we have yet to see.
So I’m going to raise a glass of Barton Springs Root Beer and toast to Operation Tally Ho’s future. Whether it be in a sticks and bricks or continue on wheels. The Honeymoon continues. May we always be as close and happy as we are today.
An RV Rookie No More!
PS. The post photo above was taken in 2004 when Matt and I went on our very first road trip ever. Perhaps an idea was being conceived then?