My parents, while running from the law, rode into Rawlins, WY and decided it would be a quiet, lazy town for them to lay low in. My father quickly found work as the local Law and my mother set to work to become the southern socialite that she had been back home (before the trouble began). Not to much time had passed before they found themselves with child.
It was a blustery night in the middle of March. The wind was whipping across the prairie and throwing tumbleweeds about. The sun had long ago set in this small country town known for its criminals and ruffians. Suddenly, at 10:47pm, a small, but powerful, cry pierced the silence. “It’s a girl” the country doctor slurred, with a cigarette dangling from his bottom lip, as he spanked my baby butt. After 72 hours of hard labor I had been born. My dad went outside, shot his pistols up in the air and shouted “Yippie Yi Yay Mutha Hubbard!”. Back in the delivery room the nurses patted the sweat off my mothers head. “This is reason to celebrate!” said my mom in her southern drawl. And celebrate they did. Once a year, every year, I continue that celebration…
(swirly vertical lines bringing us back to the present…)
Most adults begin at some point to resent their birthdays and view it as this horrible reminder that they are aging. Not this BIRTHDAY GIRL! I start to look forward to my birthday a few weeks in advance. I try not to make a huge deal too far in advance out of respect for my fellow Pisces who’s b-days come before mine. But, beware the Ides of March each year because THAT DAY IS MINE! (sorry Caesar!)
Throughout my life I have chosen not to attend school or work on my birthday. That is, of course unless someone has planned something fun and exciting to honor me. I don’t do laundry or clean. And nothing I do or say is wrong. (This rule applies to everyone as far as I’m concerned.)
So yesterday. Yesterday on March 15th I celebrated my birth. We woke up and spent some time cuddling and then I went inside for a shower. We were staying in front of our new friends, the Blewetts home. I walked into their house for a birthday shower and 2 adorable little girls came bouncing up to me. “It’s your BIRTHDAY!!” they shouted. “I know!!” I said grinning ear to ear. They handed me the cutest birthday cards that they had made and helped me fold some socks. :) What a great start to the day.
All cleaned and ready to go we unhooked and made our way back toward Austin. It was around lunch time so we stopped at Cheesecake Factory for some delicious lunch. Filled to the gills with Chicken stuffed Tortillas I was presented a birthday plate of Craigs Crazy Carrot Cake Cheesecake. OH EM GEE!! It was soooo good!! I got most of it down before I started to feel ill.
After lunch I needed a nap. Done.
We found our perfect boondocking spot back here in the city of Austin and our friends Tabby and Evan came down to meet us. Let the birthday party begin. First we headed over to S. Congress for a Hey Cupcake. OH EM GEE!! It was soooo great!! (Tied with Azucar’s cupcakes, this is the best cupcake I have ever had!)
From there we moseyed over to the Alamo Drafthouse for dinner and a movie. This funky and brilliantly innovative theater serves you food and beverage DURING the movie. We enjoyed scrumptious Italian Soda’s, Queso Fries and a really good pizza. I mean, good. Not like the food you would expect from a theater.
The night was coming to an end fast and there was only one thing left to do… get more SUGAR of course. So we found our way to Amy’s. A local ice cream shop that makes FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC ice cream! To be sure I was ordering the best of the best I sampled: Creamcicle, Belgium chocolate, Mexican Vanilla & Almond Amaretto. I went with the last and it did not disappoint! And, what better way to have a birthday cocktail than to have it in my ice cream!!
It was officially the end of my birthday. We bid adieu to our friends and curled up for the night. My tummy was feeling ill, just as it should. :) Life just does not get any better than 33. Yippie Yi Yay Mutha Hubbard!!
Birthday Breezy!
You’re totally, totally nuts and I love it. Happy birthday!
Lol. Thanks guys. :) It was a truly wonderful day.
you are adorable, bre.
Thanks Rachel. I’m quite fond of you too. :)
I’m glad to hear you guys did something special on our birthday. Like… eating. Happy birthday B.
Thanks GK. Yep, we’re eating our way across the USA. :) I crashed hard today though from all the S.
Happy 33rd Bree – and thanks for including the great pic of my adorable granddaughters – I never get tired of seeing their sweet faces, and I never get tired of reading about your adventures!
Thank you Penny!! We are just loving spending time with Tabby, Evan, Kendra, and the super adorable girls. You are one lucky Grandmother. :)
OM-Freaking-G!!! You definitely ate for you, me, and Baby Bills…and maybe a few other people ;-)…I feel sick just reading about it!!! I wish I had your metabolism!!! A “sweet-filled” birthday for a very sweet girl!!
Me and Baby
Lol! Yeah, I certainly feel like I did my bday justice. Some people get trashed on their bday- I hit the S…HARDCORE!!!
i Feliz Birthday, cochinita !
You are missed.
By all of San Diego’s candy vendors.
Thanks James. I also miss those crazy vendors. Only them, not you. I do sorta miss Kellie and the kids, but not you.
[…] in March I blogged a fictional reenactment of my birth. Here is the real […]