Even with the holidays in full swing we have settled into some routines quite nicely. Matt is running his businesses from the RV or where ever we find ourselves and I have become quite the Motor-Housewife.
Since I am not working right now I find myself in a fortunate position. Not only do I have the time to learn and improve my domestic skills, I now have the ENERGY! So my new goals are to keep a really clean motorhome and to make all of our meals. I have always wanted to have a super clean house that I was really proud of, but man was I tired. I have always wanted to make meals that were healthy and delicious, but after 8, 9 or 10 hours at work I just didn’t have it in me. Now I do, and here we go!
Pretty quickly I had mastered making us breakfast of flax cereal with almonds, goji berries, coco nibs, chia powder, and extra flax powder only on Matt’s. I have also made pancakes twice (not good pancakes though, I think/hope that it is the mix though and not the mixer). I also have lunch down pat: sandwiches with organic veggies, meats and cheeses on sprouted grain breads, side salads and some fruit. But I have always been a bit nervous about adding dinner. For those of you that play Rock Band, you know how on medium guitar you use 4 fingers, but on hard your pinky has to do double duty? Well I struggle at adding that extra pinky move. That is how I felt about adding dinner!
I am ADDING THE EXTRA PINKY! So, Monday before I went shopping I decided on 5 dinners that I would make this week. I stocked us up for our regular breakfast and lunch and then got fixings for Lasagna, Tuna casserole, Sausage Ziti (my Aunt Paula’s recipe), Salsa Chicken, and a breaded chicken recipe that I found online. Tomorrow morning I will prep the lasagna so that it will be ready to bake at night. Last night I made the Tuna casserole and it was not bad –not the best I’ve had, but not bad. Truthfully, it just needed salt and pepper which I had not added–a terribly important omission! Once we spiced it up a bit it was pretty good. I steamed some crispy fresh green beans with it and Voila! dinner was served! Tonight we had the Salsa chicken. You take thin sliced chicken with cream cheese and green chili’s on it, roll it up and pour salsa over it and bake. Sound easy? It is! And very yummy! It turned out great. Matt again commented on salt and pepper so I think I’ll need to keep that in mind for future cooking.
Okay, this may seem very elementary for those of you that cook, but please know this about me: I have never had to cook! Never. My Mother is a wonderful cook, my old roommates (Lindsey & Jen) are both delicious cooks and my husband is truly fantastic in the kitchen!
It’s true, I have NEVER had to fend for myself in the kitchen. I have been blessed and cursed at the same time! Blessed with some very very yummy meals (thank you to all of you)! But cursed because now I find myself at 32 attempting a tuna casserole for the first time. Also, some of you may have noticed this, but it is often times CHEAPER to eat out for 1 or 2 people than it is to get the groceries and necessary items for a meal! Plus there is no clean up!! Win Win Win!! That is the primary reason that Matt and I eat out all the time. The problem is that I have gotten pickier about my food. I don’t want my favorite chicken strips from Nicky Rottens for dinner anymore. It just does not feel as great eating them. (Although, Nicky Rottens is delicious and as you can see they are an organic eatery.)
I just feel the need to make different decisions now. There will be a time in the not so distant future when Matt and I have a family. I want to create really healthy habits now so that my children grow up strong and healthy. I don’t want them to know (and like) fast food like we do. I really want more for our little unborns!
So now I will learn -and poor hubby will have to learn with me. So far (3 dinners in –oh, I made a really kick ass spaghetti sauce, boiled some noodles and baked some garlic cheesy bread a couple weeks ago!) he has been a really great sport. And I love him for that!
In addition to preparing all of our meals I have also taken to cleaning our house once a day. I have previously posted that it takes me all of 7 mins to clean our home front to back. I fluff up our douvet and arrange our pillows, sweep the floor, water my herbs (which are just now taking shape so that I may attempt to remember what they are), I give the dogs fresh water, wipe down all surfaces and empty our 3 mini trashcans.
Yep, I’m a regular Joan Cleaver on wheels! And I’m LOVING it!
Chef Boyar-Breezy
You’re hilarious! I remember first getting married and having NO CLUE about what to do in the kitchen. I too was spoiled :) It sounds like you guys are having a great time, keep up the good work, it’s much easier to start healthy than have to change your ways (especially with kids!!)
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for reading and posting! :) I have found some great (and easy recipes) online, but if you find yourself making anything that requires only one or 2 pans and very few mixing bowls or utensils please pass it along to me!
Merry Christmas!
Ha! This is funny. Until about 6 months ago, I never cooked either. Never had to. I either lived down the street from my parents who are both wonderful cooks, so I would go eat there…or, if I didn’t live near family, I always had a friend or two who’s parents lived near by so we would go an grub over there. Then, when I was single and living it up in the big cities, we would just eat out for EVERY meal….and most of my meals were liquid back then anyway ;-). Then I met Chris, and we would eat out, and if we stayed in, HE would cook, because I couldn’t even properly cook a microwave dinner. In Springfield, we would eat at Craig and Mary’s or they would take us out to dinner all the time. If none of the above occurred, Chris is an excellent chef and he loves to cook for me, and of course, I had no objections…still don’t. I HATE to cook! I am tired after work and the gym and the last thing I want to do is slave in the kitchen….and it takes me for-EVER to cook because I have to use receipes, so I have to read, and measure, and read, and correct shit. Then I have to clean…although, Chris is really awesome about splitting the duties…so, if I attempt (yes,I use the word attempt) to cook, he will usually clean up the mess. But, I am getting ready to carry a baby, and need to start eating healthier, and I want to be the Supermom who has dinner on the table for the kids and the hubby when he comes home from work, so, I just started the cooking adventure, as well. So, I feel your pain. And I am Vegan, so you would think it would be easy, but it’s really not because I eat a lot of weird stuff and I have to season things just right or they taste like poo, or don’t have any taste at all. So, I am very proud of you for learning….now I know I am not the only one experiencing some growing pains!!
Hi Ash!
Thanks for reading and posting! I’m happy we can entertain you a bit. :)
I have found that it takes FOREVER to cook too. When I made the spaghetti I looked at the clock and realized that over 2 hours had gone by. Donna Schultz (Matt’s mom and blog commenter) gave me some great shortcut ideas. She said at Trader Joe’s there are pre-cut packages of diced fresh veggies or garlic & shallots. On my next grocery trip I’m going to get some and see how much time that shaves off. :)
I’m proud of us for learning and even though our Husbands may suffer, our kiddo’s will be healthier, stronger and smarter! Go Future Super Moms!!!
Totally off topic – Where are you guys parking now? Have you had any other issues with street parking in SD?
On topic – We’re also enjoying cooking in the RV. We’ve taken to browsing recipes online, taking a trip to the supermarket, and giving a new recipe a shot. Check out the Cajun Chicken at Allrecipes.com . The sauce also works awesomely on broiled/grilled veggies.
Hey! Thanks for the recipe, I’ll give it a shot. :)
As for where we stay, we get asked that a lot!! So we created a tab on our blog. We have not had ANY run-ins with the police while sleeping (one of my biggest fears) in fact the only time we’ve been bugged was at Liberty Station. I think Matt marked that on the map also. Check it out!
Your all grown up, married and cooking for the two of you. I am proud! Something I have done over the last is if I’m making a recipe with chicken I will make enounghfor 3 days and make them only with salt and pepper. Then I can add them to whatever dish and saves 25 minutes a night. It also can be a good idea to prep onion, garlic,and shallots for the whole week. Curry is also a one pot meal and really easy to do. I will give you the tips for that next week.
Happy trails!
Hi AJ!
Thanks for reading and posting! I can’t wait to see you next week, and get some tips and recipes from you!
Way to go Mrs. Cleaver!! ;-D