My hard drive crashed with ALL OF MY PICTURES AND VIDEOS ON IT!!
Here’s the scene: Me, sitting on our bed. I just heard the horrible news that I needed professional help to get my pictures back. My hard drive clutched in one hand and pressed tightly to my chest. The other hand balled in a tight fist, thrust into the heavens above my head. Tears streaming down my cheeks. I’m begging to God (or any deity that will listen) to “PLEASE GET ME MY PICTURES BACK!!”. I know it sounds dramatic. And it is. But I’ll have you know that some Data Recovery companies employ suicide management people to help when people (probably like me) call in because they also (foolishly!) did not have a backup of all every photo they have taken in their life!
How does this affect you, our reader? Well, big picture it doesn’t. Unless you happen to be one of the poor unfortunate souls who I cry to now and again. Otherwise, I just need you to know the following:
1. All posts are put on hold until I can get my pictures back. So hang tight to hear about our adventures in Durango, Colorado Springs, Glenwood Springs, Black Hawk and Denver.
2. Save the lecture about backing up. I already know I should do that… I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. And I’m beating myself up enough about it.
3. WD, the makers of my failed hard drive, suggested the Geek Squad at Best Buy. My hard drive is now in their (hopefully) very capable hands.
Please cross your fingers!
Sad Faces,
Bummed Out and Blue Breezy.
When mine crashed last year I took it to the Geek Squad and they were able to recover most it. Hopefully they can do the same for you!
Hi Dub!
Thanks for the encouraging story. Sadly the Geeks could do nothing for me. :( BUT my nonworking hard drive is now in very capable (albeit expensive) hands! Fingers crossed!
x’s and o’s to you and J.
Yikes! That has got to be uber frustrating. One of the items on my “to do” list this week is to back up my computer (but I don’t have that many photos – mostly written stuff). Your tale of woe is good encouragement to get that item checked off tomorrow! Hope all goes well with the Best Buy guys.
Hi Mama D,
Thanks for the well wishes! Did you get everything backed up? I sure hope so!!! :)
Breezy, there are programs that work between the hard drive on your computer and the backpack drive that sync everything up. That way you always have two drives. When one fails, you replace the other and back it up. Call or write me and I can suggest a few good ones.
Thanks GK!
I’ll call you and happily do whatever you suggest!
Miss you!
Keeping all paws and fingers crossed for ya. That’s horrible stuff! Nina
Thanks you Nina (and crew).
Please keep them crossed still. We’re still holding out hope that we can get them back!
Breezy My Polka Daughter,
The Geek squad got ALL my stuff back (of course except for”god’s” sacred itunes, which it appears only he can play with) last year. And Greg sounds like he can help too.The point, I got ALL MY PICS back sweetie :)
Those Geek Squad boys and girls are good.You will be saved.
I Love You Very Much And They Will Find Your Pics!!!! I will also cross my fingers, do some oooommms and my own version of some sorta hail mary, I rubbed Buddah’s belly, placed fresh flowers in front of every god or goddess statue in my house.( I sound like a freak but I certainly covered your bases) <3
I love you (and so does Lindsey!)
Thank you for everything!! xoxo
Breezy, I am so sorry to hear of this and feel all your emotions! After hearing from your friends and Greg- I am hopeful that you will get all back. Especially since every God and Goddess statue and Buddah that I have seen has in the last 75 miles has random bouquets in front of them and finger marks on their bellys and I dont live anywhere near your mother!! The forces are definately working for you!! And after reading your mother’s post, I am waiting to sign up for her blog– she is wonderful!! Sending your pink and yellow energy bubbles of love and joy!
I feel those bubbles coming Beth!! :) :)
Thank you for your positive thoughts and love! Big hug to you!
So sorry to hear about the crash. We learned the hard way too. Let me know if you need the Sedona Pics again. I have your pictures from the day at slide rock at least. Not much, but a start. Best of luck with the recovery efforts. (All the more reason for a Mac. ;) )
Jon & Andrea (JAndrea as you so affectionately christened us)
Hi Jandrea! :)
Thanks for the positive thoughts and wishes! I should hear in about a week…fingers crossed!!!
We’ve been using my besties Mac all week, and I think Matt and I are sold.
I’ll don’t anticipate needing the pictures, but I’ll let you know. Thank you.
Update: The Geek Squad was unable to help. :( We Googled and found a company in Denver. They had it for about a week and finally called with the good news; they were able to salvage about 90% of my pictures. I am composing a blog post about the ordeal, so watch for that.
Thank you all for your support and happy thoughts!
X’s and O’s to all of you!