Welcome to the Pierces.
I jotted this blog down with the only writing utensil I could find –a quill. Naturally they don’t have internet way out here in the boonies, in fact the only service they need from “city folks” (as they say here) is some gas-o-leen for the tractor. Once the sun goes down, we have some candles, but those are reserved for educatin’ their youngens. So by the time we got back from hunting and gathering with Lewis and Clark, we only had time to eat our supper (moose stew and carrots from their garden) then hit the hay. Literally, they sleep on hay in Montana!
Okay, not really! Darcey and Cory live, with their 2 kiddos Hailey and Scott, in a really beautiful, and beautifuly painted, ranch style home.
Their home, like the surrounding area, is very open and sans clutter. Even though their home is elegant and comfortable –the view from their back porch may be my new favorite place on the planet. Here’s a picture of my new favorite view.
We had a blast with them even though we got here at a pretty busy time in their lives. Darc is about to begin her new school year too at Bigfork Elem. And Cory is starting his first year as the new Principal of West Glacier Elem. It’s priiiii-ty big news, he’s even been written up in the paper!
Some history. Darcey and I were on the same cheer squad in 7th grade. We became quick friends and have remained friends since. We have been friends longer than we haven’t at this point in our lives! I was honored to stand next her at her wedding to her fantastic husband Cory and I was equally honored to have her standing next to me 2 Aprils ago when I hitched my wagon to the Matt horse. So, it’s a blessing that we got to roll through her hood and spend some time Pierce style.
So, Montana with Darc and her clan was really nice. The kiddo’s (Hailey is 6 and Scott is 3) are a barrel of fun and Darcey and Cory are as kind and lovely as ever. Darc was kind enough to take us up to Glacier NP. What an amazing park that is! We could have spent weeks there and still not seen all there was to see. Cory told us of backpacking trips to bases of waterfalls, and up into the mountains that souded almost like a dream (almost because I would not want to take those trips with all the loose and hungry Griz roaming about trying to fatten up on every skinny toothpick of a touristy girl). We really loved to see the park and got to check out Cory’s new school on the way down. West Glacier Elem. is a small school with a great relationship with the park that it resides on the edge of. They are going to incorporate a lot of park time into the curriculum. Oh, and did I mention that those kids only go to school Monday – Thursday!! That’s right, 3 day weekends! That’s what I’m talking about, way to get it right West Glacier Elem! Anyways, back to the park. We took a small hike at the Trail of the Cedars and then drove up to the top of Logans Pass where we checked out the visitor center (that’s the picture at the top of the post).
I know I already said it, but the park is truly beautiful. I’m really glad we had the chance to see it. We had attempted to drive the Going to the Sun Road in Dolly and were turned away. Nothing over 21′. And we saw why! The roads, while beautiful were narrow and some of the turns seemed only possible with a 4-wheeler. Good driving Darc!
In addition to checking out the National Park in their back yard, we had plenty of time to hang. We enjoyed their backyard firepit, some really great meals, their local freezing Flathead Lake (they called me a wimp, but it was cold as a witches ___!). We watched a couple movies and mostly just spent time while we had it. I’ve talked before about how spending time with my friends just makes the soul feel good, well this was no exception. Like always, it was very hard to leave.
But time marches on and their whole family was on the verge of a new school year. With as many teacher friends as I have, I knew that it was going to be a stressful week, so we took our leave. We made loose plans to meet up possibly next summer or the one after that. I can’t wait till we have more time in their little corner of the world. I really loved it there, and loved our time with the Pierces.
Damn, quill just broke and I think I hear a Wolverine. Gotta run!
Back-Country Breezy!
Bree, your post brought a chuckle or two. Darcy & Cory have a couple of cute kiddos there! I have teacher friends as well and know how busy the week before always is. Sounds like they’re doing well.
They are doing great and I miss them already! We’re having fun here with your brother Doug though. :)
what lovely country. live it up Dolly!
Living it up and loving it! <3
Looks like a beautiful spot you found there!
Hi Wheeling It Crew! It was really beautiful! We strongly recommend Glacier National Park (in your vehicle of course!).
Safe travels!