Upon arrival I was greeted by the proprietors, a couple in their mid to late thirties and their two dogs. The wife was amiable and friendly, as were the canines, while the husband seemed withdrawn and somewhat surly. He remained mostly silent while the wife went about showing me the accommodations and supplying me with fresh linens. Apparently they must use the area for storage when guests are not checked-in because she had to remove boxes full of houshold items, a guitar, and various other things that were strewn about. The suite itself was a loft that required me to actually climb up onto it, making use of nearby furniture. While this was no problem for me, I could see the being problematic for the elderly and/or invalid. I am quite sure its not up to ADA standards, as there is no ramp, elevator or even a step stool provided. I was, however, offered a sleeping mask. I inquired about earplugs, as I was told that the husband is a snorer. These were not provided. Luckily I had some with me. The bed was soft and comfortable, and the cotton sheets had a sort of “vintage” feel to them, as if they might have been passed down from Mom and Dad. How quaint. I was provided with a fresh pillow case. Directly above the bed was a fan that would keep me cool throughout the night and helped to dilute the faint, yet everpresent, odor of pet dander that noticeably permeated the establishment.
The bathroom was strange. The toilet was very small, as if built for a midget, and it had foot pedals on it. I still have no idea what those are for. The shower looked like something that might be used to hose down a hospital patient, or decontaminate an inmate. I did not use it. The sink was in the common area. As I was washing my face, I was startled when the husband finally spoke some words… something along the lines of “don’t use up all the water…” as if there was a finite amount of it. Weird. He apparently found my hygiene routine to be lengthy asking me, “Do you do that every night?” I found his personal inquiry to be somewhat intrusive, but I indulged him and let him know that I have sensitive skin that requires daily maintenance. Feeling a bit violated, I climbed up into bed and eventually fell asleep.
I slept well. I awoke early to find that the proprietors were still sleeping and had not risen to prepare me breakfast. I retrieved half a sandwich from the mini-fridge that was packed full of food items. I ate this while the smaller of the two dogs licked my toes. As I moved around, I became concerned about the structural integrity of the place. It seemed to move a bit as I shifted my weight.
All in all, my night in the Presidential Suite it was a memorable experience. I was apparently the very first person to patronize the place. The price was right, and the accommodations adequate for my needs. I would say that customer service needs improvement, as I was not offered a wake up call, coffee, or even a continental breakfast.
3 of 5 stars.
Enjoyed your review Greg! Very accurate except I don’t think you did the sheets justice. Those are the most amazing sheets ever!
I second that!
Appreciated your informative review Greg! Being a somewhat elderly person with sensitive skin, I now know better than to book the suite for myself. FYI – One of the proprietors is no longer in his late 30’s (which is odd since his mom has remained in her late 30’s for several decades now!). Just thought I should mention that. Also, I think a specialized service such as your own toe-licking pup is worthy of 1 star in and of itself (saves having to use more water to wash your feet). I’m just sayin….
I would also like to add that one of the other proprietors is not quite in her “mid to late thirties”. ;)
Hi folks,
I am somewhat new to the Bratts blog and must say I am totally amazed. You are living the dream……
Hi Vicki!
So glad you are following along. :)
Haha… when is the presidential suite available for booking?
We are open through most of the rest of the summer. Just call ahead and let us know the dates you would like to book. We’d obviously LOVE to have you, all 3 of you! :)
I read this on my phone out on the patio at lunch and laughed so hard people were staring!!!
You’ve got to post that on TripAdvisor
Freakin’ hilarious!
Hehe…I would put pet dander on the positive side of the experience..fragrance always enhances a room don’t ya know…
I would consider pet dander a plus too. But you know, you can’t please everyone. ;)
I tried to create a Yelp for The Presidential Suite…I guess they don’t consider us a legit business. Alas! :)
Awesome blog, I am looking forward to hearing about Greg’s next stay at the Presidential suite. This hilarious review is why I went back and read the others and subscribe to the future blogs.
We’re looking forward to his next review as well! Hopefully our upgrades based on his review will be noted and we’ll get even higher marks next time. Welcome aboard.