I know that my beloved wrote all about the wonders of the weather in TX and touched on some of the experiences that we had there and after, but I wanted to expand…
I want to mention all the wonderful times we had with all the wonderful people we got to spend time with. In Allen, we got caught up and lived with the Tallals.
Matt and Trey worked on a website that I think is a BRILLIANT idea and hopefully will take off soon (if you are at all interested in sports tips check out TexasTrey.com). They boys also got to play a little poker, and though Matt lost his shirt, at least we know he’ll be invited back next year. :)
As for us girls, we got to do…well girly things! Sky tried out and made her cheer team, we decorated Easter eggs, we chatted, had snow cones, walked the dogs, I got to eat lunch with Tatum at her school again. But best of all Kristin made her 2 meals that Matt and I LOVE: her ribs, and her carnitas. This year she introduced us to her lasagna too. Oh yeah, we will be back for some of that! (What? It’s no secret that our lives basically revolve around food!)
After another heartbreaking “See you next year”. We sailed off into the sunset toward MO. We hustled through OK, nothin’ to see here. And quickly made our way toward St. Louis. Stopping for the night at a casino whose property sat in 3 states. Naturally, I had to go to the spot where all 3 states came together. Very cool! (See post picture at the top!)
On the way to STL, I wanted to have some reunions so we planned some stops. We stopped first in Springfield, MO to see Mary and Craig Bills (and their 4 legged family members Stella & Buddy).
I hadn’t seen them since maybe 2003. It was truly great to see them again and get caught up. As it is with most great people, they haven’t changed much. We got to tour their home while the dogs all got some outside time, and I got to see some of Mary’s quilts (she’s an amazing quilter!). We had a great lunch with them, then we were off again like the wind.
By 8pm that night we arrived in Jefferson City, MO where my one of my dear friends from High School lives. Michelle and I, along with a few others, were a close knit group of girls for a few years in the early 90’s. After High School we all scattered a bit, but thanks to good old Facebook we knew we were going to be in her area and had the chance to catch up and meet her family. Michelle is great for many reasons, but immediately endeared herself to Matt by having BBQ waiting to feed us the moment we walked through her door. She certainly knows the way to my man’s heart! :)
Matt was playing in a poker tourney in STL, but Michelle offered to come pick me up on Friday for a sleep over! I got to spend all day Saturday with her and her beautiful family (hubby Ty, son Dominick and daughter Isabella). We ate ice cream, really delish Greek pizza, and toured the MO state capitol!
That night we watched Dom learn how to shoot a bow and arrow and learn to open and close a pocket knife. (He didn’t injure himself with either –till later. But he was fine, he just learned a lesson on how to use a knife.) Then after church on Sunday she drove me back to STL. Before we let her head back to her beautiful family though, we absconded her and her vehicle and went to try St. Louis’s BEST BBQ!! And it was! Man, was it good! “What? Is there something on my face?” :) We all left feeling overly full and a bit drowsy. Poor Michelle had to drive 2 hours back to her home. But we are so happy we got just a little extra time with her!
After leaving St. Louis (nope, we never actually went into the city or did anything touristy there) we blazed our trail to Chicago. This was virgin territory for both of us, and we were SOOOO excited to get there to see some sites and try some food… But that’s another post for another day!
Tally Ho!
So great to catch up withyou!! You never know how much you miss somebody until your paths cross again…
We’ll have to meet up again!!
We ABSOLUTELY have to meet up again!! It was really wonderful to get to see you and to meet your family. You are a very lucky woman and I’m happy for you!! :)
Till next time (and it better not be in 15 years!!).
Tally Ho!
Omg! That pic from 1995 is amazing. You guys looked like the cutest little things! Super cool to see the side-by-side.
Love Always,
Love you too J-Bird!
PS. In about 10 years, we too can do a side by side pic. :)