Back in the good ol’ USofA after leaving Vancouver, the Grahams, and the HOA patrol in our wake, we made tracks for my Mom’s place just outside of Seattle, Sammamish to be exact. This is where we posted up for the better part of September and got in some nice time just visiting and getting to hang out. Operation Tally-Ho Blog fan #1 errr I mean, my mother, has been anxiously awaiting our visit basically since the moment we hit the road, so needless to say she was happy to see us roll into town, and we were happy to see her.
We had a great visit and stay in Seattle. We saw the leaves start their yearly transformation from the verdant greens of the late Pacific Northwest Summer into the magical golden hues of the impending fall. Sunny skies and 80 degree temps on our arrival within days gave way to the familiar gray cloud cover, brisk air, and misty rainfall that the area is more known for.
We were introduced to a whole slew of family I’d never met and spent some wonderful meals with long time friends of my mom’s, the Blewetts (Hi Penny, Bill, Nick, and Cynthia).
We made it through a long itinerary of places to eat, stuff to see, people to meet, and overall things we wanted to catch this time through town. The most important of which was simply spending time with mom.
It was a great visit and a special stop for me. I spent the latter half of my childhood growing up with my mom. I’ve never been that great at keeping in touch so it was good to infuse ourselves into her daily life a bit.
It’s funny how some things never change. I’ve lived on my own since half way through college, backpacked solo across Europe for a Summer, travelled through Thailand, Cambodia, Australia, Costa Rica, and crossed the Darien Gap through the jungles of Panama into Colombia on foot. When we were getting ready to leave and hit the road I informed mom we’d decided to head West before going South and take a trip around the rugged Olympic Peninsula and Olympic National Park. Without missing a beat and with complete sincerity and worry mom says “Ok, be sure to stay on the trails”. I could only chuckle to myself and say “Sure thing mom”
Tally ho…
Wandering off the trail,
Matt is totally right – once a mom, forever and always a mom! But just so you know, Matt, more experienced hikers and climbers than you have run into trouble in our rugged, unpredictable Olympics (hence the warning). And just so you know, Bree, I now will be overprotective with you as well!! Love you both – thanks for the wonderful visit! Hugs, Mom
<3 I don't mind being protected and cared for by you one bit –I'm honored. It was a wonderful visit.
Love you!
wow, matt, i didn’t know you were such a world traveler. but did you ever get to italy? or, more specifically, florence? or even more specifically, the state of DAVID by michaelangelo. if not, that could be your next big trip — going all over italy and the mediteranean.
love to read your blogs. love all the photos. thanks. katherine