Well, we have concluded our time in the Austin, TX area. We spent our time in a very special place where dinosaurs, mermaids, cheetahs and unicorns exist and co-exist: The Magical Land of Yiyi and Yoyo.
It wouldn’t be a trip to TX without thunderstorm and hail. Check!
PS. If you think Matt sounds stuffy, you’re right. He had some minor surgery in his nose and he’s still swollen.
And, here are some more pics from our time with the Blewetts.
Breezy “Jr. Animal Control Officer”
What a fantastic time you shared with us. The videos and pictures were Great!! Beautiful families :)
Thank you Tutu!! XO
I laughed, I cried, I ran the gamut of emotions! Thanks for some great pictures and videos of our families – I can never get enough of them. I’m so glad you had another magical March in Austin, and hope that there will be many more magical times for you wherever your travels take you! Siena is just adorable and I know that Lily and Lotus miss her a lot!
love, Yiyi and Yoyo’s Gamma
It sure was a magical visit! Siena calls all men “Evey” and all girls “Yoyo” now. And I just started calling all women “Tabby”. JUST KIDDING!! ;)
great to see new photos of all of you. re: fire in your oven. i strongly urge you to buy a small fire extinguisher for your kitchen. the local fire wstation should be able to tell you where to buy one. they also check/certify them annually. easy to use and will give you great sense of security. where i live now, in a senior building, each apt has it’s own exthinguisher and they are checked yearly.
siena is just shooting up, isn’t she? looked like a gilday in the latest photos. keep up writing to us. we all love reading and viewing. stay safe and healthy. katherine
Hello Katherine!!
Great to hear from you, thanks for reading! We were all glad that we had a fire extinguisher –and even more glad that we removed the ham that was cooking before we used the extinguisher. :)
Yep, Siena just keeps getting bigger and bigger! Stay tuned for more adventures.