Today I woke up in an RV park. It was our first time staying in a park. Our goal is to boondock everywhere, so as a rule we will try to avoid RV Parks in general. This was an exception because 1. I needed to do laundry 2. I wanted to experience an RV Park and 3. Dolly needed juiced for her batteries.
Upon waking…
I cleaned and organized Dolly. Took a really long and hot shower. Nicked myself shaving and thought of watching Dexter (I did not love the end of Season 5).
Accidentally showed my panties to an old dude in the RV park –made his day. Had a killer sandwich from Capriotti’s (The Capastrami: Pastrami with coleslaw and Russian Dressing! OMG!!).
Rescued a dog, Lord Chestwick III was his name. Got bit by His Highness –that ungrateful dog. Washed our dogs at a self wash. Got soaking wet! Did my grocery shopping. Sampled a 10 year aged cheddar that costs $35/lb and tasted worth every penny. Put away all of our clean laundry. Mailed out some correspondences at a Post Office that is open until 9pm! Had a couple slices of my fav pizza for dinner (pepperoni and ricotta). Felt homesick for a moment and wanted Luigi’s instead. Missed my family!
Met some UNLV faculty peeps for happy hour. Made some new friends. Posed for some pictures. Laughed so hard my stomach hurt because the picture below (Hi Elizabeth!). Contrary to this picture, her head is normal size.
Today I also kissed on my Hubby as much as possible. We talked of when we will leave and where we will go next (SERIOUSLY!?!!! There is snow EVERYWHERE!). I Played with our puppo’s in the dog park. Wore my Bompa’s old sweater and felt happy for his life. Hopped a fence. Played Jena in Wordfeud (I’m losing). Snuggled into soft clean dog fur. Talked to my Mama. Got some great news from home. And I made some plans for Brunch tomorrow!
The End!
Busy Bee Breezy.
We love you and miss you lots. It made my heart hurt to hear you were missing the family,But it solidified the fact that “you are truly one of our kids”.. My heart only hurts like that for our kids.. Just that moment of “ I don’t want my kids to feel a moment of sadness” But then comes the” I know you are on the best adventure of your lives”.. So enjoy & be Safe!!……… We miss you.
Wow – a busy day!!! You’re right – almost everywhere has snow. Here’s a suggestion. Head to Arizona where they probably don’t have snow and be sure to spend some time with your Nana – I bet she’s lonely and would love a visit from you. Then, since you’re still really close -head back to San Diego just in time to celebrate your birthday with your family and friends and then, and then, and then – head north – I’m so longing to see you guys and hopefully by the time you spent some time in northern California/San Francisco on the way up and then got here we’d be into our beautiful springtime weather. Cool (by SD standards) and of course sometimes rainy but the cherry trees and flowers are so gorgeous. And I’d love some help planting my patio pots with flowers and vegies and herbs – I even have an extra pair of gardening gloves! Just a suggestion, something to consider….. Hugs from Seattle!!!
. . . and your family misses you. I love you. Loved to see you laughing that hard!!! (Glad your getting in some ab work) : )
<3 <3 <3