While looking at a photo of me in my skivvies (sorry Mummsy) I had a flashback.
There was a moment when I asked aloud how I ended up in this particular situation!?! To which our good buddy Greg replied “You are a yes girl”. After some reflection I realized that he’s right. I am a YES GIRL! We have been given an amazing opportunity and I want to experience EVERYTHING that this lifestyle has to offer.
I follow the blogs of several other people who have chosen a nomadic life in a (an?) RV, and one thing that I appreciate and respect about each of them is that they seem to say “YES!” to whatever comes their way. So here I am in Vegas for about a month and YES! I would love to pose in my panties… outside… in a bar. YES! I would love to go to a UFC Fight (even though I really don’t know if I’ll enjoy it), and YES! I’ll climb up on a pillar and stand on one foot (risking life and limb) to pose for a picture (see above). Yes! I declare that I will do whatever else comes up.
Shortly after I throwing my head up high and declared to the world that “YES! I am a YES GIRL!!” I was approached by a shorter middle aged man from the Middle East (imagine the dialog with the accent).
Let me set the scene. We are at a stop light waiting for the little white dude to flash signalling our turn to walk like cattle across the street. A man turns around to smile at me then takes a step backward so we are shoulder to shoulder. He’s close, so I awkwardly turn and 1/2 smile with a polite “hi”. (MY BAD!) Our exchange went a little something like this.
Him: Are you here for the convention? (can you hear the accent?)
Me: Nope.
Him: Do you live here?
Me: (brief description of lifestyle)
Him: Meet me later for drinks.
Me: Aww, that’s sweet. But I’m happily married.
Him: Me too. You aren’t going to tell my wife are you?
Me: (Super sweet smile) Well if I knew her I certainly would. Us girls, we need to stick together! (Implying, but not saying “against men like you”)
Him: Well, I will not tell your husband.
Me: Um, well you would’t have to tell him since I’ll be with him later. I’m sure he’d figure it out when we showed up for drinks with you. I should go, I need to walk the dogs.
Him: I have learned that you should take every opportunity that life offers. (Well CRAP!! This is what I had JUST declared, is it not!?! Still, meeting anyone other than Matt for romantic drinks is obv out so…)
Me: Well, I have learned that a little bit of editing goes a long way.
Him: No no no! You mustn’t edit. Take every opportunity. You never know what pleasure you may be miss out on. (Yuck right!)
Me: Well, I think a little editing keeps my life clean and happy. As pleasant as this as has been, I really must go walk my dogs now. Bye.
To recap, I am open to an experience that are rated NC17 or under.
Breezy “The YES! Girl”
PS. Happy Birthday L. Linds! xo
Thanks my dear yes friend! I wish I could have been in Vegas with you saying yes to almost anything :) Ha! Ha!
Careful there, I’m pretty sure that we just saw a whole lot of T&A in an R-rated movie.